Company profile

Company profile


Animal feed production in KUSIC PROMET ltd. has its origins in the times when family owned agricultural farms in Croatia raised live stock for export, mainly to Italy. Required premixes, whole and additional feed for animals were obtained from the nearby animal feed factory. Those products served as an addition to basic meals, silage and hay in cattle production, and grains and proteinaceous feeds produced at family owned farms as food for other farm animals.

At first, mixing plant equipment at our family owned farm enabled us to produce total of 4.000 tons yearly of animal feed, whole and additional. This capacity of production was enough for our own needs and to meet the demand for products for cattle, pigs and poultry.

Reducing of our needs for animal food for cattle, due to well known restrictions on exporting of farm cattle to western markets, led to reorganisation of production that required thorough technical reconstruction of mixture plant. Foundations of industrial manufacturing of animal feed was made at that point.

New equipment was installed – mixer, hammers, milled and raw material cells, and storage space was renewed and enlarged. Professional core of the company was formed – employees were trained for this specific job, and this made the basis for animal feed production in amount of 8.000 tons per year.

In 1994. this family owned farm mixture plant became general type animal feed factory.

Due to raised demands and reconstruction done, production of premixes was started for own use and for specialised cattle and poultry farmers.

New line of products under brand „KUSKOVIT“ was introduced to market, aimed to meet the needs of certain animal breeds and categories. KUSKOVIT products target small manufacturers in growing number of family owned farms that use their own basic fodder: corn - primarily maize, barley, oats and wheat. Proteinaceous feed material - soy, sunflower, canola, peas, broad beans. Voluminous forage - alfalfa and corn stalks at different stages of vegetation. Such feed material have to be supplemented with vitamins, micro and macro minerals, amino acids and various additives such as probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, flavorings and colors. KUSKOVIT products are made for this purpose and are used in an amount of 2% to 10%. At the same time, we started the production of dietetic preparations to eliminate the lack of certain nutrients in intensive livestock farming. The current production capabilities of Premixes, Kuskovit and dietetic preparations are 2.000 tons per year and for complete feed mixtures 20.000 tons per year.

Noticing the lack of food and food supplements for horses in the Croatian market, using innovative approach and professionalism in 2007. a complete, modern concept of healthy and balanced diet based on health nad well-being of horse was created. More than 20 products for all age and categories of horses, from complete food for developing foals, thru Basic food for recreational riding, to several types of food for sport horses according to competition type (for show jumping, long distance and endurance riding, galloper and trotting riding and dressage.

The range of Centaur products is complemented with specific dieatry products according to life, development and fitness needs, taking into account the use of horses, complementing the nutritional and preventive health care needs. By successfuly placing Centaur products to the Croatian market Centaur brand was made.

Knowledge and innovation. Specialized software for creating recipes for the products, electronic control and monitoring of the production process, cooperation with scientific institutions and companies in the production of animal feed, farmers and sportsmen, affect the continuous upgrae and expansion of the assortment of food and feed additives.

The entire production in the company is monitored and controlled by authorized chemical and biological laboratories. Permanent quality control of raw materials and product quality testing result in well balanced production and selling of products from the company product range.

The company operates according to ISO standard, and the production is HACCP compliant.

KUSIC PROMET Ltd. guarantees top quality of their products which are produced in accordance with the requirements of modern production of animal feed and feed additives.

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More then 30 years in production of quality animal food

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Centaur horse feed


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